Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So what's it all about?

As modern dancers and choreographers, it is not necessary to tell a story with every piece you create. Joe creates pieces that are a fusion of dance and theatre, utilizing props and the dancers as actors musicians and singers as well. Like many of the artists in the 70's and 80's, Joe was very heavily influenced by the aids epidemic in the dance community. His pieces are in turn influenced by this too. He effectively shows the vulnerability, sensitivity and sometimes comedy of relationships we carry.  He makes connections with his audience not only through movement, but through our most commonly identified way of communication..speech.

EXCERPTS FROM 'GRACE'. Grace premiered on June 3, 2004 at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco.
It was commissioned by the College of Saint Benedict-Benedicta Arts Center, St Joseph, MN.
Grace zeroes in on particular moments in time and events that reveal the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. Goode collaborated with composer Mikel Rouse to tell the characters' stories and circumstances through epiphanies in movement and sound.

1 comment:

  1. When watching this video, I was mesmerized by how much the dancers' movements intertwined with each other, and also by how much weight sharing was incorporated into the choreography. I also noticed that the tools that we have learned can be effective in choreography, such as repetition, were used in the dialogue as well.
