Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Topsy Turvy Technique

Joe's choreography is full of partnering lifts and weight sharing. This is very appropriate for showcasing relationships within dance. The majority of his dancers are very strong in the upper body area. This is useful because as you have seen in sample videos, there are lots of inversions going on. The strength of his dancers give the appearance of defying gravity within lifts and partnering sequences. 



  1. These photos are amazing! Each movement looks so effortless and natural. Nothing is posed or "show-ey". The company members must be so extremely comfortable with each other. I think that weight sharing makes it so easy for the audience to see the connection on stage and I love watching work incorporating it.

  2. Wow, whoever took these pictures is pretty awesome. I appreciate how I can easily see what I am learning in the program (e.g. weight sharing, inversions, spinal alignment)is so relevant to today's dance world. I am now a fan of Joe Goode!
